
德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® offers courses to help brokers plan and measure business goals: Building a Business Plan that Gets Results; and Successful Business Plan: Where are You Now? The courses are part of the Certified Real Estate Brokerage (CRB) Manager designation, but agents and brokers can enroll in these individual classes without pursuing the designation. 访问 featureddomainsites.com/findacourse 注册这些课程和其他课程.

作为经纪人,你会密切关注你的业绩数据. 你知道你的经纪人需要做些什么. But what can you do to bolster those results and build a more successful business?

Two longtime real estate educators break down how you can improve your metrics. Tim Beary is the broker/owner of Beary Nice Homes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. 他还教授《成功的商业计划:你现在在哪里》这门课程? 帕特强, 他是圣安东尼奥的经纪人和2021十大正规彩票app教练, was named 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® Educator of the Year in 2006 and received the lifetime-achievement Excellence in 教育 Award in 2016 and the Distinguished Service Award in 2020.


销售从何而来? 任命. 约会从何而来? 联系新老客户——销售渠道的顶端.

你的探员是怎么追踪谈话对象的? 如果你的经纪公司没有客户关系管理系统, 买一个,然后训练每个人使用它, 强大的说. 否则你就不能以一种系统的方式跟上你的业务. “我知道有些特工的办公桌上到处都是便利贴. 他们把联系人的信息写在便签上. 你觉得他们会定期跟进吗? No.”

特工们应该和他们的势力范围保持联系. 大力提倡发送视频文本. Focusing on your database is a more effective way to reach people than cold calling, Beary adds.

你的代理在潜在客户的开发和培养上花费了多少时间? 他2021十大正规彩票app每个工作日花三个小时来做这件事. 在这上面花太多时间是不可能的.

“One of my real estate coaches early in my career advised that you should lead generate until you have an appointment, 这是你的工作日,他说. “If three hours isn’t enough to get a lead and an appointment, just keep doing it.”


Many real estate agents think spending two hours on the phone is an indicator of success, Beary says. “It’s not the hours on the phone; it’s the number of conversations you’re having and then the conversion rate of those conversations into appointments and then signed agreements.”

Agents should aim to convert 10% to 20% of all conversations into appointments, according to Beary.

较新的代理商更注重预约和建立融洽的关系. 他们还在写剧本和对话. Beary says they should aim to turn half to 75% of their appointments into either buyer representation or seller listing agreements. More experienced agents are nurturing their databases and are primarily booking appointments with properly qualified leads who are highly likely to sign. Seasoned agents should aim to convert 80% to 90% of their appointments into agreements.

“There’s a direct correlation between practicing scripts and dialogues and improving your conversion rate,他说. “要适应谈话. 让你的谈话更有效.”

斯特朗说,你可以培训代理人如何列出演示文稿. 如果你没有时间培训新员工, 随着时间的推移,记录你的训练并建立一个训练库.


你的经纪公司在一段时间内完成了多少笔交易? 为什么这些房子卖不出去,或者为什么它们需要更长的时间才能卖出去? It may be that the agents didn’t know how to price the homes correctly, 强大的说.

你的代理商需要仔细研究他们的市场,Beary说. “在你的市场区域发生了什么? What is the listing inventory and the average days on market for that inventory? 销售价格是多少? 所有这些都是MLS数据.”

From there, your agents should know if homes are selling at, above, or even below listing price. Homes that are appropriately priced for their markets will sell, especially in this current market.


Beary2021十大正规彩票app经纪人仔细审查上市库存. 你们经纪公司的挂牌上市有几天了? 每套房源的放映次数是多少? 在一个特定的社区或邮政编码中有多少场放映? These data points should give you an idea of what to expect in the market—and what to expect from your agents.

无论销售目标是个人的还是整个公司的,都要把它们写下来. 如果你太容易超越目标,你就会知道目标是否太低了.

你不能凭空制定销售目标. Sales goals are aspirational but rooted in business needs and past performance. 销售目标可以激励代理商和激励改进.

无论销售目标是个人的还是整个公司的,都要把它们写下来, Strong advises. 如果你太容易超越目标,你就会知道目标是否太低了. 她知道有一家经纪公司在3月份超额完成了年度销售目标. 她说,年度目标应该每季度进行一次评估.

At Beary’s company, yearly goals are broken down into monthly and then weekly goals. Agents review their goals each week to make sure they’re on track for the month and review each month to be on track for the year.

注意哪些代理保持在所需的最低限度附近. 他们可能需要额外的指导或培训……

“A typical business planning strategy that I’ve heard from many an instructor is: How much business do you think you can do this year? 现在翻倍。. The steps to complete a transaction remain the same whether you close 50 transactions a year or 100. Your mindset and motivation have a lot to do with your success in the real estate industry. 所以目标要更高.


教练只能到此为止. 你的规则和期望可以为公司设定方向.

Many brokerages have a minimum number of transactions each agent needs to close per month. 两位教育家都2021十大正规彩票app跟踪每个代理商的成交情况.

斯特朗说,要注意哪些代理商仍然接近最低要求. They may need additional coaching or training on tools such as REALTORS® Property Resource. 让表现不佳的代理加快速度可能会带来很大的不同. If an agent continues to lag, you may need to consider parting ways with that person.

根据Beary的说法,你的指标应该是你的业务驱动力. “真的, a real estate agent only has five jobs every day that are dollar producing activities: practice scripts and dialogues, 获得领导地位, 去赴约, 写合同, 完成销售.”